AdultFriendFinder was a great site that we used during our three months of research, and one of the sites that really supplied us with a great amount of fun. We really liked this site because as well as the dating quantity, the girls on the site were also of a higher quality than you find on most adult dating sites, and were really good fun overall. We also liked the site because it was nicely free of fake and frauds that are commonly associated with this type of dating, and the women we met were all legitimate.
The site was also geared more towards hooking up with girls locally, rather than getting you in touch with far flung women that you could never actually meet as a lot of adult dating sites are. But all the women we met here were from the UK, and from the towns and cities that we were testing in. Therefore we were confident from the start that we were going to be able to hook up with the girls from this site. If you are interested in local hook ups, the AdultFriendFinder is a really good place to start, as the emphasis is on finding you someone as close as possible so you can literally meet up with them that night and start the fun.
Our recommendations about : You should try this dating site to meet women. We placed this site #2 on our list of the best websites to meet married women. Go to on AdultFriendFinder and find an affair
Our Favourite Strategy
We found that the best way to get ahead on AdultFriendFinder was to write the best profile possible for the site. This is the bedrock of any success on any dating site, but on this site having a good profile really put you head and shoulders above the competition. This was because it was just not something that a lot of the guys on the site really bothered with, or put any effort into in order to woo the girls, so when we did it the girls really though it was amazing. It also meant that the women on the site were happy to contact us as they knew something about us straight away. By using our idea of building a fantasy in their heads with our profiles, we were able to get ahead of the curve and get into the women’s heads before the other guys had even got out of the blocks. – Our Recommendation
We were really pleased with our results in AdultFriendFinder. The site resulted in a lot of hook ups for us, with quality women and was easily one of the best sites that we ended up using. It was also a real bargain, costing far less than a round of beer for a month’s access, therefore much cheaper than heading out on the pull for a night.
Just with all dating, you still have to put in the work to get the result, and none of these women are going to come running without you doing so, but using our strategy of great profiles, messages and photos, we really ended up bedding some of the best women on this site.